Monday, February 23, 2015

Best Antivirus for Android

Best Antivirus for Android 

Nowadays, Best Antivirus for Android apps has exploded over the last year. Instead of Android’s mostly secure internal security, lots of people who just like having extra security around for those just-in-case scenarios. It also never hurt that many phones come packaged with antivirus Android apps and that many of those apps have other features aside from antivirus protection such as phone finding and phone security related benefits. Below is our list of the Best Antivirus for Android apps! It is worthless that prices may vary as many of these companies have promotions and rate changes several times throughout the year.

Best Antivirus for Android
Best Antivirus for Android

Best Antivirus for Android 

Best Antivirus for Android’s growing popularity has resulted to increased security threats, ranging from common malware to advanced Phishing and several ID theft techniques. To assist Best Antivirus for Android users to treat with these issues, several security concern software companies have launched their own security apps, but paying nearly 30 bucks a year for a complete mobile security app never sound like a best deal, especially when there's a wide choice of free security applications that will cover all your requirements including a group of overall security suites with Anti-Theft capabilities.

PROS of Best Antivirus for Android

  • Mostly Best Antivirus for Android is totally free with ad support.
  • It always scans and deletes threats and keeps observing out for others with features like privacy adviser.
  • It has functionality to clean devices from all old files left behind by apps, corrupted files, and other trash that should be removed.
  • It built in data monitor for those who need that.
  • It helps users to avoid Web View vulnerability by recommending Google Chrome to people who still uses the old browser (Android 4.0-4.3).

CONS of Best Antivirus for Android

Best Antivirus for Android could use some anti-theft features like some of these other applications.

Best Antivirus for Android
Best Antivirus for Android

Best Antivirus for Android 

Before heading towards our topic the first question you may ask is can my Android device get infected with a "virus"?

The short answer is definitely NO. Because, Best Antivirus for Android applications work under a “sandboxed” security scheme. It is a best way that places “virtual walls” between applications and the rest of the device’s software, so that the only best way an application can share resources and data is by declaring permissions which forbid what actions an application can perform on your Android device, what files it can get in touch with, and whether it can get access to your own personal data or not.

Best Antivirus for Android
Best Antivirus for Android,

Sandboxing confines the virus' power to contaminate your device, as it cannot access data from the OS and other parts of the device without a specific user-granted agreement, thus annulling its capability to duplicate itself and spread from one device to another without the user knowing about it (that is what viruses perform).

Instead viruses are only a fraction of the vast variety of malware types out there like trojans, spyware, exploits and fake apps, lots of which do comprise a huge threat to your data, your confidentiality and your Android device as well.

Aspects to be considered when choosing a Best Antivirus for Android

After estimating the security threats for Android, these are the aspects we consider when choosing and evaluating a Best Antivirus for Android:

Anti-malware engine: The application’s capability to notice, clean and delete malicious applications and scripts. As a similar test for the real-time protection capabilities, the EICAR Antivirus Test was employed.

Extra more guard: Some security applications may include a set of built-in extra guard against malicious websites (Secure Web Browsing), against spam or massive commercial SMSes (Spam filter) and adjacent to Potentially Unwanted Apps or PUAs (Application Protection).If there are no more extra security options are provided, they are evaluated independently to perceive how good they do their job.

Best Antivirus for Android
Best Antivirus for Android

Confidential Advisor: The privacy advisor function must have the ability of listing all the installed applications and classify their risk based on the permissions they require to run, as some of these may be considered as a privacy and/or security breach.

USSD Exploit Protection: USSD codes are special "dialed" commands that can be used to access a variety of phone functions. Some of the malicious websites use this USSD exploit to take advantage of certain devices' vulnerabilities through malicious links and QR codes. Whereas if this guard is included, we calculate the app's ability to block this kind of attacks efficiently.

Extra apparatus: Many applications comprise a set of extra tools to stay you protected. Some of them may comprise Call & SMS filtering, Application Blocking and Contacts Back-up & Restore among others. Their presentation and convenience help us to evaluate the app as a whole.
System resources: No matter how the good a security application may execute, it cannot be measured a great app if it turns out to be a RAM hog or an adware flagship. Following all, we never want to kill applications just to keep our AV working or give away our expensive mobile data traffic to ads.